Women’s Sexuality; Self-Help; Lifestyle; Erotica
Date Published: Feb 14, 2019 Valentine’s Day
Publisher: Written Warrior Press
"An entertaining and educational firsthand account of an older woman’s single sexual life."
Kirkus Reviews
Fabulous Goddesses: Mrs. Hot, here, inspiring, empowering and entertaining you to the vibrant vitality, sexuality, and joy you deserve on your own personal Mission: Possible. Sixty is the new forty — or even thirty! — as we simply refuse to hang up our running shoes or our sexual attractiveness. To the very, fabulous end! Part One In Hot Pursuit details my transformation and sets you on your path to an exuberant, sexy lifestyle. In Part Two, I share some of my erotic stories with you —True Confessions. You’ll meet my local MENagerie, as well as a few exotic foreign acquisitions: intriguing men of all ages. Why exist an existence when we can live a Life à la Hot?
About the Author
I’m a gorgeous Goddess who transformed from shot to hot! I found myself in my late fifties facing a future of loneliness, infirmity, and pain—single, in a job from hell, and battling emotional issues that left me unhealthy, unattractive, and in despair. The only men on my sofa were Ben and Jerry! With time goosing me with “it’s now or never,” I plunged into my makeover, a journey of emotional, physical and sexual healing; then, after decades away from it, the world of dating, with its mind-blowing contemporary dynamics. Fearless, edgy, and disruptive, I’m Sex and the City’s Samantha 2.0, now fully ripened—and that much more wise, joyous and juicy. We’re not getting older, we’re getting bolder; my quarter million Facebook followers agree. Catch my blog at http://www.mrshot.com.
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