Book Tour & Book Review: Best-Case Scenario by D.B. Sayers #blogtour #bookreview #giveaway #newadult #rabtbooktours @DirkSayers @RABTBookTours


Best-Case Scenario, Act I of Nyra’s Journey

New Adult

Date Published: Nov 2018

Publisher: PhoenixPhyre

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More than a year after graduating from college, Nyra is beginning to wonder when her life, professional and personal, gets started. Was it like this for her mother? She doubts it, but things were different, then. Nyra's reality is nothing like her mother's. Each generation confronts its own challenges.

Still, she's tired of feeling like she's wading through waist-deep wet cement. Buried somewhere deep in a future she can sense but not feel, Nyra can hear the siren's song of hope and hypothetical options whispering to her. She's so ready! But is the song she hears hope or just an illusion?

Best Case Scenario is the first act in Nyra Westensee's journey from student to self-aware, fully actualized woman.


I finished this book in a flash! The main character, Nyra, had a strong driven nature that drew me in immediately. The plot and language flowed beautifully so that I wanted to know what happened next.
It's a beautiful journey of self-discovery. 

About the Author

Dirk’s path to authorship wasn’t quite an accident, but almost. It’s not that he didn’t write. He did. But through two previous careers, first as a Marine officer and subsequently as a corporate trainer, Dirk started way more stories than he finished.” But in the backwash of the 2008 financial meltdown, his employer filed for Chapter 11. Cordially invited to leave and not return, Dirk found himself out of work and excuses.

Since then, Dirk has published West of Tomorrow, Best-Case Scenario and a collection of short fiction entitled, Through the Windshield and Tier Zero, Volume I of The Knolan Cycle, all available from Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats. Works in progress include The Year of Maybe, sequel to Best-Case Scenario, and Eryinath-5, Volume II of the Knolan Cycle.

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