Book Tour & Book Review: Anything But Love by Dalia Dupris #blogtour #giveaway #romance #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @dalia_dupris


California Hearts, Book 2

Contemporary Romance

Date Published: 06-15-2022

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

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Known as the anything but love girl, Morgan Hart has two passions, travelling and having fun. After reassuring her French lover, Marcel, that their relationship will resume unchanged when she returns, she’s ready to begin her Cape Town adventure, only to find that her friend Amber is a no-show at the airport, and Morgan’s stuck with having to travel solo, that is, until she falls into the lap of widowed single father, Dakar Ngosi, whose good looks and charm have her questioning her resolve to living life unattached and carefree.

Dr. Ngosi is beyond annoyed when a seemingly inebriated Morgan slumps down beside him in the airport lounge where he’s waiting with his sister for their flight. When his sister volunteers him to show the lovely American the sites of their country, his irritation grows, but he soon discovers that Morgan is as enticing as she is beautiful, and he must decide if he’ll stick to his vow to never love again or pursue the American woman whose captured his heart.

From the first chapter on, I was drawn into the lives of the main characters. Like any romance novel, I was waiting for that "moment" when everything changed and came together. I had developed a vested interest in the outcome.

This book was peppered with compelling moments. You don't know what to expect and you are right there with Morgan as she discovers what she wants and who she wants it with. 
Fun, fast read that had all the right touches of love, drama, and real-life issues.

About the Author

 Dalia Dupris has been a book lover as long as she can remember. She has won two EMMA awards and is a Spectrum Grant recipient. Dalia’s degrees in English Literature and Social Work, in addition to years of experience as a licensed therapist, contribute to her creation of relatable and complex characters. In her spare time, she enjoys bike riding with her husband, and hiking with her daughter. She loves hearing from her readers. To learn more about Dalia and her books check out and

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