Book Tour & Book Review: The Unshakeable Road to Love by Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.D. #blogtour #bookreview #nonfiction #selfhelp #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @MKWebsiteandSEO




Spiritual, Self Help, Relationships / Zen

Date Published: October 15, 2022

Build your relationships upon an Unshakeable Foundation, based upon Eternal Principles of Real Love.

Based upon the teachings of All World Scriptures, including Zen, the book explores the difference between Real and Counterfeit Love. As we do, it is easy to see that all suffering in relationships is due to being caught in the trap of Counterfeit Love.

This is a Book of Practice, which provides many insights, exercises, turning points and interventions, so we can apply the powerful principles in all our relationships.

As we do, pain, upset and conflict dissolve on the spot.


Brenda Shoshanna has written this in a way that really appeals to a reader. It lays things out there in an easy to understand way while bringing valuable information to the forefront and highlighting instances where the teachings will apply. I love that it is both guidebook and workbook. It doesn't just rely on telling you what to do, it gives you exercises and examples to implement. Well done.

About the Author

Brenda is a psychologist, author, speaker, playwright and long term practitioner of Zen.

Her work focuses upon integrating the practices and principles of East and West and making them real in our everyday lives.

Brenda offers on going Zen talks for the Morningstar Zen community, founded by Fr. Robert Kennedy, Roshi. She has spent many years involved in Interfaith work and dialogue. She also offered talks on Zen and Psychology at the New York Zendo for eight years.

For the past four years Brenda has presented a weekly podcast, Zen Wisdom For Your Everyday Life. Over the years she has provided many talks ad workshops dealing with personal and spiritual development and living an authentic, meaningful life.

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