Book Blitz: Light of Honor by B.A. Vonsik #scifi #fantasy @RABTBookTours

Book #2 in the Primeval Origins Epic Saga
Sci-fi Fantasy
Publisher: Celestial Fury Publishing

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Primeval Origins: Light of Honor (2nd Edition) - Book #2 in this epic story revealing mankind's undiscovered history and ancient origins bringing rise the legendary Four Horsemen. Join Nikki, a paleo-archeological graduate student suffering life altering happenings turning her life upside-down and sending her on the run from forces unknown as she learns of and experiences our undiscovered and hidden history. A history filled with terrible tyrannies, deadly dinosaurs, brutal beasts, ancient gods, and heroic hearts as the origins of our End Times is revealed, answering the question, "What if all of our myths and legends are true?"

Primeval Origins: Light of Honor (Book #2 in this Epic Saga, 2nd Edition) 

* Fantasy Book of the Year, 2016 Reader Views Literary Awards. 
* Finalist, Fiction/Fantasy Book of the Year, 2016 CIPA EVVY Award
* Merit, Fiction/Fantasy Book of the Year, 2016 CIPA EVVY Award
* Finalist, Fantasy Book of the Year, 2016 International Book Awards 
* Finalist, E-Book Fiction Book of the Year, 2016 Next Generation Indie Book Awards
* Finalist, Science Fiction, 2016 Best Book Award
* Epic Fantasy Book of the Year, 2017 Independent Press Awards
* Fantasy Best Books, NABE Summer 2018 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards 
* Fantasy Book of the Year, 2018 New York City Big Book Award
* Epic Fantasy Book of the Year, 2018 New York City Big Book Award

Epic Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Young Adult, Action & Adventure, Myth & Legend, Dystopian, Good and Evil, Christian Fantasy, Kindle, Nook, iBook/iTunes...and maybe more truth than is expected.

Fleeing across the sea from enemies familiar and unknown, the crew of the Wind Runner and I fight for our lives as we struggle to keep safe our strange and ancient cargo, the unconscious Rogaan and Aren. We have need the help of these warriors of old as we battle deadly Tyr super-soldiers of the New World Order, now commanded by the forces of the Crescent Moon, intent on taking our ancient cargo for themselves. I suffer horribly the wrath of the Tyr when protecting the unrisen Horsemen, hurling me to the brink of death and back into the ancient world of mankind's first civilization, reliving the past through the eyes of the then young and aspiring warrior Rogaan and the mystic Aren. As my Light, again, plunges into the maelstrom of our deep past experiencing a culture both simultaneously primitive and advanced, as our ancient ancestors struggle against self-corruptions and unseen powers born of jealous entitlements by their celestial gods and unknown intelligences. In these remembrances, I am witness to terrible injustices and impossible trials levied by the covetous tyrannies against Rogaan, Aren, and many others. In the here and now, I find rising deep questions about humanity's origins and the seemingly eternal battle between the goodness of the Light and the selfish evils of the Darkness. I, Nikki, now standing at the precipice at the end of mankind's Fourth World-Age, bare testimony of our undiscovered history, in these blue steel epics, revealing the origins of the Horsemen of Prophecy...before the sounding of the trumpets.

Visit the Primeval Origins websites at:
The websites are loaded with news and more and the Primeval Origins Encyclopedia and Lexicon (all the background matter that you just can't stuff into books).

Other Books in the Primeval Origins Epic Saga:

Primeval Origins: Paths of Anguish
Book 1 in the Primeval Origins Epic Saga
Publisher: Celestial Fury Publishing

"What if all of our myths and legends are true?"

We seek our origins independently through the sciences of paleontology, archeology, and more. We further seek our origins through the difficult to understand metaphorical languages of our religions. And, we further seek our origins in our myths and legends when we are not arrogantly dismissing them as ancient fantasies, creations of a primitive human mind. None of our independent "origins seekers" have complete a picture of our grand and troubled past, yet all have pieces of the greatest puzzle every to challenge modern man. It is here the Primeval Origins Epic Saga begins, integrating our sciences, our religions, and our myths and legends into a story of the ages, telling of our undiscovered history, mankind's struggle to survive terrible tyrannies, deadly dinosaurs, brutal beasts, and ancient gods. An epic telling seen through the eyes of the Horsemen of our coming End Times.

Primeval Origins: Rise of Serpents
Book #3 in the Primeval Origins Epic Saga
Publisher: Celestial Fury Publishing

Primeval Origins: Rise of Serpents – Book three (#3) in the epic story of mankind’s origins and the creation of the Four Horsemen. Join Nikki, a paleo-archeologist graduate student on a field expedition, discovering our hidden history, turning her life upside-down and sending her on the run from unknown deadly forces, as she learns of and experiences our undiscovered history filled with terrible tyrannies, deadly dinosaurs, brutal beasts, ancient gods, and heroic hearts as the origins of our End Times is revealed, answering the question, “What if all of our myths and legends are true?”

Seeking refuge from the relentless hunt, we evade the gathering forces of mankind and their guiding masters…the Serpents of Old…the Watchers of humanity. Knowledge and advancements fashioned for humanity’s betterment now turned foul by lord and servant alike, subjugating all to the ever-present examination of the surveilling State. Mankind’s self-subjugation rendering themselves as slaves to the unseen few, who only allow freedoms to peoples paying homage to their institutions of cunning tyrannies. Subtle guidance by the ancient scales now coil tightly about their corrupted human tools to deliver to them the World in arrogant defiance of Creation. It is in this confrontation, I vision the origins of the Old Serpents…in our first civilization, seeing their Lights twisted and fouled by selfish wants and the corruptible doings of their divinities. Their ancient bane…the Horsemen, I see rise, then as now, who through deeds self-driven and compelled leave in their wake punishing destructions as they seek to halt corruptions both mortal and afar. I sense I play a part in the approaching Apocalypse, through my aid to these Horsemen of Prophecy and something more. As I stand at the precipice to the end of the Fourth World-Age of humanity looking out at the coming tempest, I, Nikki, now do as our ancients did in tablets of clay and stone, chronicling humanity’s undiscovered past in these steel bound epics to share with you before the sounding of the trumpets.

About the Author

Multiple Award-Winning Author of the Primeval Origins Epic Saga

- Primeval Origins: Paths of Anguish (#1)

- Primeval Origins: Light of Honor (#2)

- Primeval Origins: Rise of Serpents (#3)

- Primeval Origins: TBD (#4)

B.A. Vonsik graduated from the United States Air Force Academy and served as an USAF Special Operations aviator. Currently, B.A. Vonsik works in the training and simulation industry by day while at night and all other times detailing the world of Primeval Origins with new discoveries and research in ancient mythologies, creation myths, religions, sciences and technologies. Starting with a curiosity about why many of our mythologic pantheons seemed very similar, B.A. created the Primeval Origins story based on more than 25 years of research integrating our mythologies, ancient alien theory, history, the sciences, and with the stories of the Bible, Qur'an, and Hindu religions. B.A. Vonsik lives with his extraordinary wife in Florida.

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